Bones & Stones Beaded Skulls

Celebrating the Beauty of Nature

First of all

Our Collection

Browse through our exclusive collection of beaded animal skulls. Each piece is a unique work of art, handcrafted with care and attention to detail.

woman holding white and black animal skull wearing white lace floral sleeveless dress near green leaf trees
woman holding white and black animal skull wearing white lace floral sleeveless dress near green leaf trees

And let's not forget

Customize Your Own Skull

We offer custom beading on your own trophy skull. Choose your own colors, patterns, and styles to create a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects your personality.

You can use your own skull or we can find one that meets your needs.

About Us

Bones And Stones Beaded Skulls is a Native American-owned business that celebrates the beauty of nature through art. Our beaded animal skulls are a reflection of our cultural heritage and artistic vision.

Pricing is based on several factors. The cost of the skulls is not consistent. Sometimes I might find a bobcat skull for $50 and sometimes it might he $75. It also depends on how much time it took to create the artwork. An elk skull can take more than 50 hours to complete. A bobcat skull can take 20 hours or more to complete. Smaller sized skulls aren't necessarily faster than larger skulls because they have so many curves to work around. The cost of supplies is also a factor. The elk skull took over 12,000 beads. Delica beads are twice as expensive as regular glass beads. These costs are reflected in the price of the piece.

Honoring the Spirit of Nature

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